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It’s come time to prepare to sell your elderly parents home. Everyone typically puts it off as long as possible, but as parents age, the cost of caring for them rises and in most cases, it’s inevitable that you’ll have to face selling your parents house. Caregiving takes its toll financially as well as physically and emotionally. Some medical expenses are covered by Medicare, Medicaid or insurance, but there is always something popping up unexpectedly. Sometimes it’s those midnight runs to the ER or urgent care than take a toll physically and prohibit you from working the hours you need to just to make ends meet.

For many, the toll of caregiving only leaves them the option of selling. As much as you probably hate to face it, you’ll likely need to sell your elderly parents home. It’s important to know how to get a house ready to sell, and how to handle the sell. You may have several questions like Do I know how to sell my parents house?  Can I put it up for sale by owner?  Or How do I sell my parents house before death?  There are plenty of questions and plenty of answers when you are in the position to sell your elderly parents home.

Tips for Selling Your Parents House

Selling your parents house can be a huge undertaking. Selling any house can be difficult, but it can be emotional and challenging when you are trying to sell your elderly parents home. Here are a few tips for those asking about how to sell my parents house.

  • What financial obligations are still outstanding?
  • Are the utilities on and are they in your parent’s name?
  • Do your parents have a will? Have they spoken with an estate planning attorney?
  • Who has power of attorney and authority for selling your parents house?

How to get a House Ready to Sell

If you need to sell your elderly parents home, you may wonder how to get a house ready to sell. Typically, you’ll need to make repairs, make sure everything is working correctly, hire a landscaper for outdoor areas and just get everything in shape in general. This can be a costly endeavor as well as time-consuming. You may need to paint the house inside and out and do all sorts of things to make it marketable. Most of the time if you go through a real estate agent, they will give you a long list of the things that need to be addressed before even putting it on the market. However, before you ask how to get a house ready to sell, look at one more option. You may consider the option to sell your elderly parents home to a cash buyer.

How to get a House Ready to Sell to a Cash Buyer

Are you still asking, how can I sell my parents house before death? And how can you get it ready for a cash buyer without upsetting your parents? It’s actually simpler to get your parents house ready to sell to a cash buyer. You literally don’t need to do a thing except make a phone call. Just call the investor, or contact them online and ask them to come look at the property. They will come out and take a look at the house and make you a cash offer. When an investor buys a house, they make the purchase as-is. That means they take it just like they see it. You don’t have to make any costly repairs or make any renovations. It’s much easier than other options like going through a marketing agency or putting it up for sale by owner.

Selling your parents house is stressful. Although there are lots of ways to do it, using power of attorney takes time and money. Don’t wait for the house to get sold. If you need your parents house sold ASAP then selling to a cash buyer is your best option.

At Brandon Buys Houses we specialize in a quick sale so that you can get on with the more important things in life. Don’t stress out about selling your parents’ house in Greensburg, PA. In the event you need to sell your parents’ house before death, give us a call at (724) 972 – 4479. We would love to answer any questions about the house selling process that you might have.


The information presented in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered legal, financial, or as any other type of advice.